Saturday, March 11, 2006

yea... ur welcome.
ha yeps im pathetic enuf to be at the internet shop when im not supposed to.
and watching kelvin make a fool out of himself. HA LA HA HA HA.
anyway... yea so work at marychia YES MARY CHIA SLIMMING & BEAUTY
started. and its not bad at all. compared to the others..

and it is saturday. that is exactly why im pathetic. i haf no where to go nobody to go out with. like whr the hell is everybody. lonely lil 19yearold.

fine. im not little.

its getting one big round all over again. i hate it. and i want. i hope. i wish. i think. but i ain't gonna get it...
again... i dunno how long i can con't telling myself tis is life and tis is what u hafata accept

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