Monday, January 08, 2007

abel; abelish

My my... it's been awhile.

Haven't written anything just yet to match this boy's fanciful intrusion of the human mind. I can write something abelish though. =)

It's been awhile since we had our usual gathering and reflecting on our past year's accomplishments. I didn't have that much to say this time round, though i thought the aftermath was essential. Let's leave the heavy matters to the boy who also owns this page...

The initial excitement of playing wooden blocks of tic tac toe wore off after 4 rounds. I hope the person who got my thermal flask would find more mileage than 3 minutes.
How was Christmas for the rest of you? Merry? Uneventful?

that day on msn, a friend whom i've not met for months asked the customary "How are you?". Such a simple question. But i felt a little stumped.
Things ARE ok. Sometimes it just takes some time to realise that.

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