Sunday, September 24, 2006

lets not care about all the whys whats hows. we'll see how everything goes.

yeps so anyways... HAHAHAHAHA. apart from the fallin off the bed under the blanket and the Eat Me incidents, she managed another shit.

i was calling abel in the middle of the night thinking she should be awake.


"oie go drink leh"

"eh i sleeping already lah... Dun play"

"tsk... u pig ah. wake up la!"

"i'm not going to say i love you on the fone. i know tis is some kind of prank"


"aiya i really sleeping already... goodnite laaa"

"wake up la... i cant sleep. we go eat prata."

"okay la okay la... i luv u i luv u! muackmuackmuack!
now can i go back to sleep? yawns "

"Siao ah! What the hell u tokin about!"

"ehh what show is this? i really sleeping halfway lehhh"


"Idiot lahh... i hang up already. Gdnite"


Silly silly sleeptalk. :D

school's fun. school's not fun. so tmr's a welcomed dreadful day.

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