Saturday, September 23, 2006

There was a boy. There was a girl. There was another girl.

The boy and one girl had known each other for four years since. Throughout the four years, they gave each other support and were there for each other in times of any occasion. They shared joy and sadness. they were the best of soulmates. Best friends.

There was this other girl the boy met. He fell in love with her, but was rejected on numerous occasions. She would never tell, he would never know. Of course, in times of such adversity the boy's best friend was there for him.

One day, while chatting around with another friend, the girl teared. The girl was worried sick for the boy. She despised the situation the boy is in, she wanted him happy. She loved him. The friend told the boy.

The boy was touched. The boy asked the girl, the girl confessed, they got together. The girl is very happy, extremely. The boy was happy, but slowly got confused. Where is he going to place the other girl now. Is is just gratitude he has for his best friend, or did he do it out of love.

she would never tell.
he would never know.
she would love him.

2girls and a guy.

Skater Boi.

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